louper 1.0.0


LOUPER application for live loop music performance.

For Louisa; Valentine's day 2022.


There are 4 main components in this project:

  • louper0 : library implementation of the loop recorder
  • louper : CLI front-end
  • louper-gui : GUI front-end
  • louper-footpedal : Hardware foot pedal remote control


For build:

  • cmake
  • gcc or llvm
  • doxygen for API documentation

For louper0:

  • asound
  • liblo
  • libsigcpp
  • libsndfile
  • rtaudio (rtaudio[alsa])

For louper:

  • argparse

For louper-footpedal:

  • liblo
  • wiringPi

For louper-gui:

  • argparse
  • imgui (imgui[opengl3-binding], imgui[sdl2-binding])
  • gl3w
  • glbinding
  • sdl2 (sdl2[x11])

For unit tests:

  • catch2

I can recommend using vcpkg for dependency package management.


This software is licensed under GPL 3.0; See LICENSE file.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
// Copyright © 2022 Doug Hammond